Any person who loses one or more teeth, or even a part of the jawbone, is a candidate for dental implants. Some or all of their teeth are non-congenital patients can also be candidate

There are two factors that will affect the result of the treatment: The first is the health status of the patient. There should be no systemic disease that affects wound healing negatively and should be under control. For example, dental implants can be applied in controlled diabetes. However, dental implant may not be preferred if the patient’s condition is unstable or other systemic diseases such as osteoporosis involving the bone are present. Dental implant treatment should be postponed until the patient’s condition is corrected. Second, it is necessary to have sufficient quality and quantity of bone for implant placement. In the event of tooth loss, the bone area around it slowly disappears and reshapes. Bone resorption that occurs in this way is physiological. If the degree of bone resorption is insignificant, implants can usually be implanted without further processing. However, if bone resorption is advanced, advanced surgical techniques, such as raising and / or widening the bone, may be necessary to implant the implant

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